Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Comparing sweatshops

1. First of all in the US, we have minimum wage and a limit on how many hours you can work in a day or a month. Also in the US, we made a law that prohibits child labor. In China, they do not have any limits on hours and they barley make enough to survive ( 700-800 Yuan per month, which is around $111.29). They make all these great products for us like toys, shoes, and phones and by just selling my phone, I can make as much money as around 5 employees monthly salaries. All of these people make these amazing things in the most cramped, dangerous, and hard to breath areas practically in the world. In China, most of the kids cannot afford to go to school, so that is why they have to work.

2. Workers happiness is one of the most important things that exist in a workplace, and if the people are happy then the productivity rate will go up because they do not mind working for their boss. Shaun Anchor, the author of The Happiness Advantage, proves that the brain works much better when the person is positive. The University of Warwick proved that worker happiness led to a 12% spike in productivity, while unhappy workers drop 10% in productivity. https://www.fastcompany.com/3048751/the-future-of-work/happy-employees-are-12-more-productive-at-work 

3. The company I chose is Disney. This company provides so much for kids and a little for adults. The  theme parks are different than the toy producing branch. I chose this because I have the best memories from earlier in my childhood that I will never forget. http://www.disney.com/

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

What is a handshake?

  1. When you meet someone in Russia, you give them a normal handshake as you would in America, but it is only for men and be done with the right hand. Shaking with the left hand is a form of disrespect. Women only shake hands in business situations.
  2. Departing is mostly the same way, the only things that change is your word choice when leaving. 
  3. Accepting a gift is also a form a respect and possibly even more than that. A gift probably means you love for someone.
  4. Sharing business cards is kind of like giving a handshake. its a form of trying to do business with people. 


  1. A handshake in Japan usually consists of a limp hand grab and little to no eye contact.  Some Japanese bow instead of doing a handshake to show respect and be accepted by the Japanese.
  2. While the Japanese are leaving they don't give a handshake to that person but instead bow again as a show respect and thanks to them.
  3. When giving gifts in Japan they accept them but not in all cases. Depending on some cases they may not accept the gift. Also if the person giving them the gift doesn't ask them to open it they more than likely wont open it because they are told not to open it without being asked to.
  4. With business cards the Japanese are told not to damage the business cards at all. They don't bend them, tear them, or destroy them in any way. They need to make sure that the card is given in a polite way and that the card isn't damaged.


  1. A handshake in France consists of is a cheek kiss on both cheeks. This is the equivalent to a handshake in America. 
  2. When you leave someones house or something like that you leave the same way you entered as in giving a cheek kiss. 
  3. People in France usually show people thanks by having them over to their house for food. 
  4. Giving someone a business card in France is the same way you give someone it here in America. Business cards are only for business, not for sports or anything like that. 

Thursday, October 6, 2016


1. France, Germany, and China

2. China= 1 Yuan Renminbi is .15 US Dollars

    France and Germany= 1 Euro is 1.12 US Dollars